Terms and Conditions
Date valid from: 14 October 2019
These terms and conditions apply when you use, view, or access the And She Wore White website (both andsheworewhite.com and andsheworewhite.co.uk) (“the website”) and its ASWW journal (both online and in print), regardless of the specific manner in which you access this website and its contents (including directly or via a third-party website). However you access this website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
1. Use of content appearing on the website and in the ASWW journal (both online and in print)
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Specifically, for And She Wore White content, any use, copy, download, and/or print of such content in whole or in part must include a copy of the copyright notice, author reference(s) and/or attribution(s), manuscript title, date, and URL.
Specifically, for ASWW content (both online and in print), any use, copy, download, and/or print of such content in whole or in part must include a copy of the copyright notice, the customary citation, author reference(s) and/or attribution(s), date, article title, journal title, and (for online content) the URL.
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All content submitted for publication must abide by our zero-tolerance policies, which are incorporated in these terms and conditions and are also accessible on the And She Wore White ABOUT page. These policies are our ‘zero-tolerance advertisement policy’ and our ‘zero-tolerance bullying, discrimination, harassment, and victimisation policy.’
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Any enquiries concerning the submission of content should be sent to admin@andsheworewhite.com.
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5. Data Protection
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