We accept unsolicited submissions throughout the year, including (but not limited to) articles, essays, review pieces, short stories, poetry, and photographs.

We highly value original, critical, exploratory, analytical, and/or creative pieces that provoke interesting thought or conversation. All perspectives and narratives are welcome.

All works are expected to discuss or fall within the areas of identity, intersectionality, or -ism. For information on what these categories signify, please read our about section. However, if you are unable to categorise your work or reject any categorisations per se, please inform the editor of this with your submission. We are incredibly flexible and will never reject submissions solely on their failure to conform to the ‘identity, intersectionality, -ism’ architecture.

If you decide to submit to us, please ensure that you follow the author guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Please ensure that you follow these instructions if you are interested in submitting to us:

(1)    Send your submission, as a singular document, in a MS-Word or PDF file to the following e-mail address: Within this document you may include the image you wish to be used as the thumbnail and any additional images that will appear in the body of the work. Please indicate who owns the copyright for each image (if possible) and the link to where you found them originally, if you do not own the image rights.

(2)   We have no formal word limit, however pieces under 3,000 words (excluding endnotes/footnotes and references) will be given preference.

(3)    Endnotes/footnotes and references are accepted. Any referencing style is permitted; however, we prefer the following two legal citation systems: OSCOLA (4th edn) (UK) and The Bluebook (20th edn) (USA).

(4)    We are a non-partisan website and so we accept submissions from all perspectives.

(5)    By submitting your piece for consideration, you guarantee that your work does not violate our zero-tolerance advertisement policy or our zero-tolerance bullying, discrimination, harassment, and victimisation policy. To view these policies, please consult our about section. You must also abide by our terms and conditions.

(6) Please inform us if your submission has been previously published elsewhere (in part or in full). We strongly prefer pieces that have not been previously published on another platform.

We endeavour to respond to all submissions within 4 weeks of receipt. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to provide individualised rejection feedback

Our Sections

Opinion pieces tend to be shorter, more subjective and opinionated.

Features tend to be longer, more formal and researched works.

Culture manuscripts may be focused on any of the following areas: art and photography; tv and radio; music; literature; science and technology; or other works. Here you may find review articles, poetry, short stories, or photography. We prefer scholarship that critiques or engages with a work from a feminist or other perspective, rather than just expressing a subjective preference.

Lifestyle works may be focused on any of the following areas: fashion and beauty; student; love and relationships; and other scholarship. Again, preferred pieces will be critical or engage with any subject areas through expressing opinions and ideas.

In the special features section, we find specially focused and thematic articles on the following areas: break the narrative; menstruation; anti-bullying; mental health and wellbeing; disability; and LGBTQ+.

In the Break the Narrative category, the following sections are included: awareness; ad awareness; and film awareness. The aim of this theme is to hold these industries accountable. This category may be incredibly open-ended.

The menstruation section releases monthly scholarship devoted to all things menstruation in an effort to normalise the period and encourage positive conversation.

The anti-bullying section highlights the corrosive impact of bullying. Any pieces that stand up to bullying will be featured here.

The mental health and wellbeing section normalises and generates conversation about mental health. Scholarship that celebrates or critiques how wellbeing is treated or fetishised in popular culture may be included here, as well as articles that cover personal stories and encourage self-care. The significance of this category is to promote acceptance and awareness of diverse wellbeing issues, rather than to advise on how to treat or cope with these situations.

The disability category accepts scholarship about your own personal experiences and/or anything that highlights the narratives in popular culture (both positive and negative) on disability-related issues. Pieces on legal and/or technological developments in relation to disabilities are also accepted here. This is not an exhaustive list.

The LGBTQ+ section celebrates all topics on sexuality and sexual identity. Varying LGBTQ+ narratives and related issues may be covered here from an original, analytical, and/or critical perspective, including personal stories.

These categories are open-ended, fluid, and may often overlap. We look forward to reading your submissions!

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